Thursday, July 25, 2013

Journal by Gwynn Sharif

Give me all the things you can see and remember

Owell all well fares well 
St john and the bright shining light of angels. Dearest me. The tables the love my boyfriend a good job with shayna gwynn order managment. Semantic mapping time to write the brightest book the world has ever avert the harm with quinn emanuel. Shayna the bright piano listen to our piano you have to see our blogspot eveverybody has to view our blogspot. We have to be the most famous writer the world has ever seen. Give me a hundred encantos today heads up. Shayna gwynn write a hundred encantos today. Give me help help help from micheal and gabriel or uncle david cowan will kill me. Save me quick. Gwynn shayna the aimthe pitch wish you well foundation for literacy. Goodeyeys. Great light of god give me a ride to eveerylibrary in the us. Healp healp healp micheal help I have to have a ride to every university library in the world. Give me the perfect flight. The tables the chairs the living room the perfect book the perfect ride the perfect dorm a great place to stay. A good computer another computer. A thousand and one computers. Shayna gwynn straight back. Perfect paragraph. Heads heads up heads up heads up. Shayan good book jk cowan. Good book hulk cowan write another good book princess. Give me a thousand pages give me a good move. Good job jasmyn sharif good job. Good hands good hands good feet good skin. Good smile gwynn shayna.

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